Nutrition Coaching

For Carter & George Clients

Select your program and qualified nutrition coach who will help you achieve your specific health & fitness goals.

How It Works

Your health is unique. Your nutrition plan should be too.

Meet Your Coach
A qualified nutritionist dedicated to you

Select Your Program
Pick from 6-12 week programs

Complete Challenges
Daily encouragement from your coach

Master Nutrition Principles
Access to recipes, articles, podcasts & live talks

Track Progress
Measurable results & habit change

Your Nutrition Coach By Your Side 

Helping support you throughout your journey.

Our Nutrition Coaches

Accredited nutritionists ready to help you with your nutrition program.

Our coaches:

✓⃝ Specialists in their field

✓⃝ 10+ years of clinical practice

✓⃝ Qualified to degree level

✓⃝ Registered with the CNHC

✓⃝ Empathetic & caring

Benefits of Nutritional Coaching

Nutritional coaching is a whole-body approach that maximises your performance through personalised nutrition.

Nutritional Therapy Helps With:


Mental Health

Recovery Time

Muscle Growth & Repair

Injury Prevention

Energy Levels

45+ Health Conditions

Our nutritionists are trained in evidence-based nutrition that is personalized for each member

The Impact of Nutrition

Proper nutrition has a profound impact on athletic performance.
Ignoring a healthy diet will impact ability, recovery and motivation.



Recovery time can increase by 25% without proper nutrition.

Nutrition Awareness


52% of gym users do not follow specific nutrition advice.



Tissue repair, post-injury, can increase our basal metabolic rate by up to 40%.

Questions About Nutrition Coaching?

Book a free 15-minute consultation to learn more

Louise Pyne
Nutrition Coach

Don’t Miss Out

Get invitations to free health talks and podcasts, plus access to special recipes, meal plans and nutrition tips!